SSA Policies
SSA Policies
Preparedness Plan for Space Hazards
Korean government amended 「Space Development Promotion Act」 to protect Korean people and space assets from space hazards. According to the amended law, Korean government should develop a medium-to-long term plan for national SSA affairs every 10 years. Its result is ‘The 1st national basic plan for space hazards(‘14~‘23)’. It includes following subjects.
Also, MSIT should develope detailed plans every year and enforce them by the law.
The 1st national basic plan for space hazards(‘14~‘23)
- Environmental protection and monitoring of outer space
- Prediction and warning alert against space hazards
- Research and development for the prevention and preparation of risks caused by space hazards
- International cooperation for the prevention and preparation of risks caused by space hazards
- Other matters necessary for the preparation of risks caused by space hazards