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MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT) is the government department in charge of the national SSA affairs. KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) was designated as NSSAO (National Space Situational Awareness Organization) by the law, Space Development Promotion Act article 15. Center for Space Situational Awareness is responsible for  the actual SSA work in KASI.


Space Hazard Program Office

  - Monitoring potential space hazards (detecting, identifying, analyzing and cataloging space objects) 

  - Predicting their risks and consequences (crashes, collisions, impacts, etc.) 

  - Conducting R&D programs and international cooperation related to SSA

NSSAO Secretariat

  - Supporting the government to establish the response system against disasters caused by space hazards 

  - Activating a task force team to monitor and analyze space hazards and supporting the response process of the government  

    in the event of hazardous situations

  - Promoting public outreach on space hazards

Facilities operator team by NSSAO

  - OWL-Net (Optical Wide-field patroL Network)

  - ARGO-M and ARGO-F (satellite laser ranging system)  

Disaster management system in Korea

Disaster management is one of the main roles of Korean government. MSIT is in charge of disasters caused by space hazards. NSSAO develops action plans and conducts R&D in support of MSIT. 

Hazardous situations such as impacts, re-entries, and collisions of space objects are difficult to predict and very complex in nature. Therefore, it is important to establish an immediate response and close cooperation system between MSIT and related agencies. If a direct threat is recognized in the vicinity of Korean Peninsula,  Emergency Headquarters against space hazards will be installed in MSIT and they will take control of the hazardous situation. 

